If you´re sick you can´t work, you can´t think ahead. All you want is to feel good again.
I know I take health too much for granted. When we are healthy we make plans what we will do then and there and never even consider to think that it could come differently.
My blogging friend from Better is Possible posted the following verse the other day and it made me think.
We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
Two of our good friends have recently been diagnosed with cancer and this brings many thoughts tumbling through my mind. How can we cope with such situations? Can we anticipate them, or should we? Is there anything I can change to prevent an illness? I know the answer is no.
But I realized that we must be more thankful for the healthy moments we have NOW. We must be more aware of them. We can plan for the future, but the Lord determines if we will make them. It´s something that I too often forget.
My heart goes out to my dear friends who are going through this hard part of life. It is not fair! And too soon!! The hardest for me is that I can not be at their side, because they both live in Canada. I can pray and I do. I hope they will feel the powers of prayer. We are suffering with them and trying to believe that God will give them the strength to walk this path. Because He is determining our steps. Sometimes his way is different than our way.